Available sizes and quantities per Case -
1 gallon bottles - 4 per case
BioSoil is assurance insurance for planting and growing trees, shrubs and woody plants

BioSoil for soil
- Unleashes aggregate-bound phosphorous
- Improves nitrogen fixation
- Breaksndown heavy metals & chemical contaminates
- Reduces salinity
- Oxygenates soil and plant roots
- Increases water retention
- Converts organic matter to humus
- Releases constricted nutrients
- Improves fertilizer efficiency
- Enhances root development
- Reduces hardpan and crusting
- Inhibits soil-borne pathogens
- Balances the soil ecosystem
BioSoil for Root/Transplants
- Contains both endomycorrhiza and ectomycorrhiza
- Forms protective barrier around root sheaths
- Decreases hydration issues
- Reduces stress
- Increases survivability
- Exponentially increases root growth